A New Era at the FCC: What’s Ahead

Media have become more important and invasive in our lives than ever.  Whether online, TV, video, wireless, or wearable devices, Americans can’t seem to survive more than a few minutes without them.

It thus stands to reason that a newly established Federal Communications Commission led by incoming Chairman Brendan Carr will expand the agency’s reach into areas where more and more Americans are engaged.  As such, it could become as important and involved in our lives as the very media it regulates. 

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Focusing on ‘Net Vitality’ Can Help End ‘Net Neutrality’ War

The latest battle over “net neutrality” has returned to the federal courts and to the sharply divided perspectives regarding the extent to which the Federal Communications Commission should assert regulatory authority over how internet service providers offer broadband network service.

In August, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit issued a stay that freezes the latest move by the FCC to re-impose a regime that requires ISPs to treat all services they carry equally, akin to the way that more traditional telephone companies have been regulated for nearly a century as nondiscriminatory common carriers. However, it has not yet rendered a decision on the case’s merits, which offers a real opportunity to look at the issue differently.

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TikTok Is China’s Trojan Horse

People are easy to dupe.  Give us something for free and we will open the door to just about anything in return, including our most sensitive family, health, and financial information. 

The ancient Greeks knew something about the human psyche when they built a massive wooden horse and put it outside the enemy gates at Troy.  Unsuspecting Trojans marveled at the gift and ushered it inside unexamined.  Hidden in the horse were the Greek men of war who emerged to sack the city. 

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